Some of the members of the Power Trio have formed a new band.
While the basic ideas remain the same, the band itself has a new sound.
Keep checking here for more details, and a new logo.
Liam has enlisted the talents of Jack Read, and his company
Read Custom Instruments, to craft
the perfect bass guitar. Pictured to the right is the final design for
the unique custom Read Caligari Bass. Jack, Judy, and Liam
all contributed to shaping this superior design.
Follow the Building of the Bass |
Liam finally considers himself to really be a bass player. It has taken many
years of playing to reach this plateau of confidence. The bass shown above is pretty much
the one he plays, and he is currently using an Ampeg SVT III pro head through a Peavey
410TX cabinet. When he goes nuts he uses a SansAmp Bass DI for its rich overdrive sound.

The Power Trio was a semi-casual rock band.
Times have changed, however, and now the band has officially split up. At least
for the moment.
Live Sound!
Liam is pursuing a long-held interest in sound engineering and production.
The most recent phase of this process was completing a course in live sound engineering.
He is available to do mixing for bands around Melbourne. In addition, he has a small
home studio setup, and is occasionally willing to help people to record small projects.
The next phase of his self-development will be a course in studio engineering.
Contact me (no spam, thanks) if you can use any of
these skills.