Images from the month of February

Mommy's Clothes
Nothing's as cute as a kid in big clothes
A Close Bond
Grumphy and Orson share a special bond
Getting on with Things
There is always something more to do
A Cat!
Meeting a new friend
What if I Push Here?
Eyes look like buttons, after all...
Separated at Birth
Orson and Orville
Nothing Can Hold Me Back!
Orson can run now
The Boy and the Hose
He has a fascination with all hoses
A Boy, Vanishing
Playing with his new blanket
Fear My Powers!
Some things do not need to be taught
Uh Orson, we need that...
Just checking how a pepper grinder works
Young Ninja
Quite the martial artist in his new togs
Contemplating his first flower
Real and Imaginary
Linking the flower to what he sees in books
Continue to the months of March and April...

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