Kimba the White Lion
Tezuka's Jungulu Taitei [King of the Jungle] was created
as a manga in the 1950s before it became a color anime series in
1965-66. In Japan, Kimba was Leo, and two series were made - one
with the young lion, and another with him fully-grown and with a
family. The latter was deemed too dark and "adult" to
be brought to the US at that time, and when it finally was, the
original names were retained, so "Kimba" really only pertains
to the first series.
In the first series, Kimba's father is killed by hunters, and Kimba
himself escapes from captivity as a young cub and returns to the
wilds of Africa to claim his birthright as king of the jungle (his
mother dies shortly thereafter when the boat on which she is prisoner
is destroyed in a storm).
After discovering humans can be kind as well as cruel, Kimba is
inspired not only to become king of the jungle but to create a jungle
civilisation where all animals can co-exist peacefully. Helped by
his close friends and advisors in the jungle, Kimba succeeds at
both these aims, as well as befriending and learning the language
of humans.
Now available on video and DVD - check
it out.
Links of interest
in battle
Kimba theme music - wav (353K) 