November '05 notes |
I found these notes on my computer recently, and thought they should be added here. BackgroundLiam and Judy have been running around organising preschool for Orson for next year. His birthday was also much planned and worried about and a big success. Three other boys and a swarming multitude of adults descended on the only shady table in Beckett Park for hours of running around fun and food too. We are pleased such a party for Miranda is a long way off still. Judy did a website over the last few months and her client has been spoiling her with expensive lunches. She knows she undercharges but she prefers it that way. We had an overseas guest and are house-training a new dog - Mingus Miranda Notes17th November 2005 Now Miranda's 15 months it's evident she's no longer a baby but a little girl. She's still very patient and amuses herself in the highchair or playpen or rocker chair if she's left in one place while we attend to chores or Orson management. Having a cold makes her miserable, as does tooth pain but even then she can be delightfully cheerful. Language She understands a lot more than she can express, also, as she does things like making a break for the kitchen whenever I say I'm going in there to get Orson some milk. Mobility But, as the expression goes - it'll happen any day now. Growth As she has not grown out of much clothing, I surmise her height increase in unremarkeble. They'll measure her again in January, but so far, so average. More remarkable are her teeth. Fifteen in as many months, with that final eye tooth on its way. Sleeping Food Behavior She is getting braver with other people and will smile at strangers a bit. She only cried twice at her birthday party. :) She is now attending Tuesday playgroup, but will be having a lot more fun when she is walking and is allowed more freedom to get about in these public spaces. Friday playgroup will be a real possibility for her at that point, but it may interfere with her morning naptime - we shall have to see. Miranda is starting to exhibit a fondness for soft things, unlike Orson. She snuggles up to damp washcloths, her bedtime koala, the boo boo bunny Deirdre sent for recent birthdays and the blue sailboat blanket Jo and Andre gave her. Two Kids She watches far more TV than he ever did at her age as she is often present for his morning stint of ABC Kids or for his DVDs. It's not a great thing but it's unavoidable. We joke that when he toilet trains, which we are hoping will be before next February, or his preschool won't take him, she will too. Orson's asked for his car seat to be moved to the rear, and seems pleased to be there, so Miranda is alone in the middle row for now. She appears unphased. It's up to us to determine when we'll put Mirnada back there too, where they'll be much closer together than they have been previously. Orson NotesFinally I (Judy) get to write another Notes for Orson. It's the end of November, and very warm indeed. Words Mobility Eating Behavior Orson's not too happy about having his hair cut, which accounts for his shaggy locks. He's also not too keen on needles, and I'm thankful he has no more coming until he's 4, except for the occasional flu shot. Orson is doing a bunch of imaginative play, feeding carrots to the rabbit and yesterday and today taking the dog puppet for a drive in his car, making sure to do up everyone's seatbelt and all. Our first structured playgroup day was spent at the park and although we did a lot of running and climbing, what he found most engaging was getting on and off the play tram and driving to Balwyn and visiting Georgina in the coffee shop and coming home again. This is what he talked about when he got home. Growth Two Kids Since Miranda's birth, he's regressed on using eating utensils and taking regular naps. He can most of the time be put to sleep on long pram walks, and Liam can always nap him on the big bed if they go up together. Bill and my records for on-bed napping are patchy at best. No-nap days are characterized by manic evenings, often bad food behavior at dinner and some record-breaking falling asleep times at bedtime. Since Miranda was born, Miranda and I have been sleeping in Orson's future bedroom, waiting for Miranda's night schedule to settle. It has settled wonderfully, and there's now a single bed in our bedroom, which Orson will transition across to in the next few days, freeing up the crib for Miranda. With summer hitting its stride before December is here, I'm keen to get a move on as the bedroom has air conditioning and Miranda and my temporary quarters doesn't. Orson's sleeping most of the night in the crib now, and Miranda doesn't wake for a feed until somewhere between 4 and 6, so we're hoping for our peaceful spacious bed back for most of the night, most of the time. |
Look at some images of the children from September/October 2005. |
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