Children's images

Images from October 2010

Orson and Miranda pics
Bunnings playground
The one in Hawthorn is the best one we've found so far!
Orson and Miranda pics
Daisy rings
Two days of sick kids and I got a huge number of these made for our end-of-year lucky dip.
Orson and Miranda pics
Cush's dance studio
A beautiful place.
Orson and Miranda pics
Grown from acorns
Now what do we do with them?
Orson and Miranda pics
Beans sprouting
So many and at such great speed that we took some into the Fives for everyone else.
Orson and Miranda pics
Diggers plants bought at Bunnings. They are promising to produce a treasure trove of fruit!
Orson and Miranda pics
The great wheel
A profitable way to spend a sick day.
Orson and Miranda pics
Much loved by the children (and us all). The children are starting to take their own pictures now.
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