Children's images

Images from Miranda's 5th birthday (pirate party)

Orson and Miranda pics
Lethal stance
Fierce pirates in the house, me hearties!
Orson and Miranda pics
Rose cake
Rose is the pirate villainess from Zack and Wiki.
Making a stencil of her was tricky to say the least!
Orson and Miranda pics
Taking care of your sword
It's good to sheathe it when around your fellow pirates... unless you plan on stabbing them in the back!.
Orson and Miranda pics
Pirate aunt
I can only imagine this shot was taken by Miranda.
Orson and Miranda pics
Pizza pirate ships
Victoria's party book was filled with good ideas.
Orson and Miranda pics
Octopus franks
A bento favorite from Japan.
Orson and Miranda pics
Wealthy pirate
Can they follow his map? Find his treasure?
Orson and Miranda pics
Pinata fun in the new garage
That was a pretty sturdy pirate!
Orson and Miranda pics
Happy birthday dear Miranda
She was super-happy!
Orson and Miranda pics
Pirate coloring
Unbeknownst to many, it's a popular pirate pastime.
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