Children's images

Images from our trip: May/June 2009

Orson and Miranda pics
Friends at the Frankfurt airport
Fabian and Greg.
Orson and Miranda pics
A deal going down
What suspicious goods are we procuring at this out-of-the-way venue? The photographer snaps secretive shots from car.
Orson and Miranda pics
The handshake
The deal is done.
Orson and Miranda pics
The goods
The best sausages you can procure.
Orson and Miranda pics
Such a picturesque locale.
Orson and Miranda pics
Old Town
Castle ruins ahead.
Orson and Miranda pics
The fair
Still setting up. After the convention we will attend.
Orson and Miranda pics
Area... 53?
Strange towers near our accommodation.
Orson and Miranda pics
Home sweet home
For a few days at least.
Orson and Miranda pics
It's a good place. ^_^
Orson and Miranda pics
Names in the pavement
A somber reminder of the past.
Orson and Miranda pics
View from Schloss Stahleck
A classic view of the Rhine river valley.
Orson and Miranda pics
Inside the walls
Our rooms were here.
Orson and Miranda pics
Schloss Stahleck
A castle reconstructed at the turn of the (last) century.
And a youth hostel.
Orson and Miranda pics
Ameline and Suzanne
Some of my favorite people. ^_^
Orson and Miranda pics
Winding down
Sandy, Grant and Claudia at dusk at the Dreieich fair.
Orson and Miranda pics
Jet trails
Lots of air traffic near Frankfurt.
Orson and Miranda pics
Artist at work
Beautiful sculptures.
Orson and Miranda pics
Grant, Sandy, Spencer
Sandy's boys are awesome. ^_^
Orson and Miranda pics
Wartburg castle
In East Germany, a castle with a well-preserved tower from mediaeval times. Martin Luther was sheltered here after his excommunication, and spent the time translating the New Testament into German. This was our "special guests' daytrip".
Orson and Miranda pics
Aeroplane food
You gotta love JAL and their Japanese food.
Orson and Miranda pics
A taste of Japan
There were koi in this lake.
Orson and Miranda pics
Urban Tokyo
The secret to finding everything in Tokyo is to check all floors.
Orson and Miranda pics
She accompanied us on this trip.
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