October 25, Evening (Cas)

Had a dream about that bloody diner. I'll go there tonight and see what's happening there. Probably some stupid TV ad that worked it way into my brain.

It's a Mob joint. I ordered an entree from a surly waiter. I was waiting for them to nuke it when some well dressed woman struts in and sits down. To make it stranger, more people roll up. All look like they have green. What the hell are they doing here? I look out the window, but yes, I am still in the 'hood. Twilight zone, man.

One of the strangers tries to move my table, but she seems harmless so I don't pop her. She offers to cover my dinner, so I entertain her and move the table into the center.

The weirdo's friends introduce themselves:
  • Renee StClair. (doc, grumpy, peckerwood, nathan)
    An SUV driving yuppie if ever I saw one. Apparently he's a quack. Probably rolling in green. She shoots, she scores!

  • Olga. (red)
    Some Russian chick. Wonder what she's doing here. The old wacko says she 'finds things'. Great. Lucky her.

  • Campbell Jones. (cj, the man, the nark)
    The Heat. Wonder why the wacko called her here?

  • Lindsey. (whisper)
    The dish washer. Looks like some poor smuck stuck doing crap jobs, like me. She seems nervous.
The wacko raves about us all being able to escape some xfiles type conspiracy. People seem unimpressed until she names some inquisition thing. She said we are being watched. Gotta check that last one. People bicker. No biggie.

I take the opportunity to eat up big. Apparently its Doc's shout so why the hell not. Seconds please!

Doc then gets all narky and starts complaining. The wacko does some self-mutilation with a fork. Everyone freaks and even I am surprised by that. Whisper makes like a hole. Doc starts flapping round. None of my business.

Wacko lady runs away leaving the rest of us to chat. The Nark suggests we meet again soon and Red suggest some swish Commie restaurant. Not really interested, but these people have more money than sense and thats a good thing for me. "Gotta be a player, freak-girl" Fixer always said.

I think the wacko mentioned some 'horn of all sorrows', I wasn't really paying attention. She also mentioned some white bread kid and some mega tv-ownin' dude. *shrugs* What the hell is all this?

Doc starts raving again. I hear someone breaking into his SUV and that distracts him. The local brothers are quick. No tires, no cd player. He rants and raves more. Doesn't he ever do anything else? We go back in and he starts to try and call the fuzz. Some chance here.

He sees my ink on the back and goes all "Why did you get that?!?" Screw him. Still he did pay for dinner. I tell him it looks frosty but he isn't satisfied. If he doesn't shut up soon I think I'm going to break his head open.

He seems to think that the Eye has some meaning. I must ask DMS. I know DMS told me that Set was some old black God who had the cave boy running in fear.

I know DMS said that the Queen was some beautiful princess who enchanted a Nubian king who was sweeping away the cave dog ideas and replacing them with the "One God" idea. Anyway, his queen was call Nefertiti and she was, like, this amazingly beautiful woman. Anyway, they were 100% from the 5% nation. Apparently they put the moves on the cave boy religions but somethin' happened and it didn't work. Apparently the Powers That Be got all Rodney King on them and they got iced.

Doc rants more when he sees the sun tat too. I think maybe he is the perv who the wacko said had been stalkin' us. Gotta know more about Grumpy.

Anyway, he spits the dummy and goes out to the wreck. One of the brothers offers him a deal to get his wheels back but he just whines. This wigger MF is a total nathan. Its a pleasure to play him for green. He just gets narky when the tires come back having cost him $30. Cheap bastard.

The brother asks about his cd player and he spits it. He demands that and his gun back. The dumb bastard brought a gatt!! And left it in the car!!! Something is wiggin' this yuppie. I lift his wallet to find out more 'bout him.

Hmmmmm. I think I want to find out more about Mr Peckerwood.

Original material copyright © 2000-2003, Cameron Blackwood: www.darkqueen.org/docs/rpg/ua/cas/diary/

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